About Steve

This website is here to bring an exciting new book series for 8 – 12 year-olds to your attention.

Called Greenerdawn, it plunges youngsters into a world where there are many catastrophic threats to the environment. But it’s our world, the real world, except for one thing – each species of animal has a ‘Guardian’ appointed by ‘Nature’ to protect it from extinction, and these Guardians can communicate with humans.

I’m a retired teacher but I’ve taken on an important new profession – being a grandparent. Amongst the challenges and concerns this raises, one has inspired me to write the series – the fact that climate change will have little impact on me.  I won’t be here when it really kicks in, so I felt I almost had a duty to write about it.

 The first book in the series is called The Girl and the Goldcrest and is due to be published soon


You’re never too old.

There are a couple of good articles about why adults should still read children’s books. Look them up in The Guardian or the BBC. They’re by Katherine Rundell, herself a prizewinning children’s author. Also it means you have no excuse not to read The Girl and the Goldcrest YOURSELF. Particularly after this in a review…

Quo vadis?

Out on a walk in Sheffield’s golden frame, I came upon a series (movement?) of molehills. I had to stop and think. Babyboomers, millennials genzies, gen x’s – we all know what we need to do really. Let’s get going; following in Molie’s mounds.

Yorkshire’s Arthur Ransome?

A really thorough and perceptive review of The Girl and the Goldcrest from Mags Richards of Leeds Living. Yorkshire Writer Steve Draper’s The Girl And The Goldcrest: Reviewed The author of The Girl and The Goldcrest, Steve Draper, is from Sheffield.  Because it’s Yorkshire and Steve mentioned Leeds Living, we agreed to make an exception…